Saturday, 25 September 2010

Á mes collègues encéphalo-porteurs!!!

Dans ce blog, je me propose de baratiner sur mes passions: Les langues, la musique, la condition humaine, la foi, etc...

Mon approche cependant sera plus simple, pragmatique et légère que dans mon blog Anglophone(j'espère!!!).

Je veux faire d'une pierre deux coups: réactiver la partie Francophone de mon cerveau et partager mes intimes idées sans intimider :P

Comme on dit outre-manche, "Stay tuned"(ne changez pas de chaîne)!


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I am a creativity addict. As soon as I gained the ability to string together a sentence or two, I invented stories on the spot to get our local pharmacist to give me sweets. Then I started drawing and painting coming strips for my schoolmates. In my mid teens, I started playing the keyboard, composing and singing. Music is a big part of me to this day. Meanwhile, with a bit of encouragement, I started to dance, then it turned into another passion. I did popping, break dancing, zouking. I won talent contests with the skill. Then I started writing…Dillettante? moi? :P


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